
berdikari Lampung English

Sabtu, 14 Januari 2023

Lamsel Immigration Successfully Books Non-Tax State Revenue Reaching IDR 5.5 Billion During 2022

Oleh Handika

Class III Immigration Office Non TPI Kalianda. Photo: Handika/berdikari.co

Berdikari.co, South Lampung - Kalianda Class III Non-TPI Immigration Office, South Lampung managed to record Non-Tax State Revenue of IDR 5,572,111,388 in 2022.

Head of Service Sub-Section and Verification of Immigration Documents, Yulianto Bima Negara, representing the Head of the Non-TPI Kalianda Class III Immigration Office, Sargiyono stated, the incision had exceeded the annual PNBP target set last year.

"The target for achieving Non-Tax State Revenue in 2022 is IDR 2,552,500,000. Meanwhile, the realization of Non-Tax State Revenue has reached IDR 5,572,111,388 or has exceeded the target set," said Bima when confirmed, Sunday 8 January 2023.

Bima added, this achievement apparently followed the success that had been scored by the Directorate General of Immigration, namely the receipt of Non-Tax State Revenue of IDR 4,526,781,510,751 closing 2022.

"The revenue is sourced from visa, passport and immigration residence permit services as well as other immigration non-tax state revenues," he said.

In 2023, the Kalianda Non-TPI Class III Immigration Office will continue to try to improve services. For example, opening a service booth at the Lamsel Regency Government Public Service Mall in January and a sympathetic passport service on Saturday-Sunday and easy passports.

"Sympathetic passport service, open to the public, is held on Sunday from 08.00 WIB to 12.00 WIB," said Bima.

The difference between sympathetic passport services is that people no longer need to bother registering but can directly take photos for the passport book.

For the time being, this breakthrough only serves requests for new passports and passports that have expired.

"For the time to finish making a passport, it remains the same, which is 3 days after the public makes the payment," said Bima.

Meanwhile, the eazy passport service is intended for vulnerable ages, namely toddlers 0-5 years and seniors aged 60 years and over and people with disabilities.

"Eazy passport service on weekdays, Monday to Friday. All of these services are solely to facilitate and provide comfort to the public," said Bima. (*)

Editor Didik Tri Putra Jaya