
berdikari Lampung English

Sabtu, 04 Februari 2023

The Number of Divorce Cases in Pringsewu Lampung Indonesia Decreases in 2022



Berdikari.co, Pringsewu - Pringsewu District Religious Court Public Relations, Lampung, Ikhsan Purnomo said, there was a decrease in divorce cases in the local district in 2022 when compared to 2021.

Where in 2022 there were 948 cases, while in 2021 there were 1003 cases. Ikhsan said, of the total number of divorce cases, they were divided into two, namely divorce cases and talak divorces.

"For divorce, the application is made by women, while divorces are carried out by men. So of the total cases that were submitted in 2022, there were 948 cases, and 889 cases of divorce have been decided," said Ikhsan, Friday (3/2 /2023).

Ikhsan explained, out of a total of 889 divorce cases in Pringsewu in 2022, 713 cases were contested for divorces, and 176 cases for talak divorces.

"Out of a total of 889 divorce cases, 31 cases are still unfinished or have not received a decision. So this will continue in 2023," he said.

Whereas for 2021, as many as 1003 cases were entered, a total of 912 have been decided for divorce.

"There are 715 cases of divorce being sued in 2021, while for divorce there are 197 cases. For the most vulnerable age groups filing for divorce are 31 to 40 years old," he stated.

He said the main factors causing divorce in Pringsewu Regency were disputes and fights.

"For the second factor that influences divorce is the economic factor. We hope that in 2023 divorce cases will decrease again, where husbands and wives can solve problems without having to divorce," he concluded. (*)
