
berdikari Lampung English

Rabu, 25 Januari 2023

Police Disband Teenager Hanging Out in Metro Lampung Indonesia

Oleh Arby Pratama

Polres Metro personnel, Polda Lampung when conducting an examination of teenagers who hang out on the side of the road until late at night. Photo: Arby/Berdikari.co

Berdikari.co, Lampung - The Lampung Metro Police Unit dismissed a number of teenagers hanging out on the side of the road.

This step was taken as an effort to anticipate criminal acts as a result of juvenile delinquency.

The head of the Metro resort police, AKBP Heri Sulistyo Nugroho, through the head of the unit, IPTU A. Rachman explained, his party had disbanded the teenagers who had gathered on the side of the road until late at night.

"Juvenile delinquency begins with mistakes in socializing and is the result of the influence of alcohol and other illegal drugs. Therefore, Metro Police personnel are trying to prevent this by giving appeals to teenagers and asking them to disperse from their hangouts," he said, Tuesday 24 January 2023.

Rachman explained, his team found dozens of teenagers hanging out at the crossroads during night patrols.

"We found it while on a night patrol around the jurisdiction of the Metro Police. Every point where teenagers were found hanging out, we directed them not to gather or hang out on the side of the road," he said.

During dialogue with teenagers, the police also conveyed the prohibition of consuming narcotics, liquor and illegal drugs

"We also give an appeal for Kamtibmas to prevent teenagers from drinking alcohol until they are affected by alcohol and illegal drugs. We prohibit them so that they are not affected and it can cause them to dare to act in violation of the law," he explained.

In addition, night patrols are also carried out by combing the main road to the residents' neighborhoods. This was done to ensure a conducive situation of security and public order.

"Not only patrols approaching teenagers who are hanging out, personnel are also carrying out patrols with targets along the main roads and neighborhoods of residents," he explained.

"Patrols using backbone cars were also carried out to a number of quiet places that were prone to crime," he added.

Not only that, the patrol officers also examined a number of people who were considered suspicious.

"We also pay close attention to the situation and conditions. If we find anyone suspicious, officers will not hesitate to check it," he said.

Then we appeal to the public that youth association needs to be supervised and there needs to be coaching so they don't commit violations. Don't let them misinterpret freedom," he concluded. (*)

Editor Didik Tri Putra Jaya