
berdikari Lampung English

Senin, 13 Februari 2023

Used Car Prices in Lampung Indonesia are Back to Normal

Oleh Redaksi

Photo: Illustration

Berdikari.co, Bandar Lampung - The trend of selling second-hand or used cars in Lampung Province is currently starting to get busy. This also makes the price return to normal, where it previously decreased due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Secretary General of the Lampung Car Traders Association, Vian Faruk said, after the Covid-19 pandemic waned, used car sales also experienced an increase during 2022 compared to the previous year.

Not only that, some even temporarily closed their businesses during the pandemic. But now they have started to reopen and dare to stock up again.

"The increase in used car sales in 2022 will be around 10 to 15 percent compared to 2021," said Vian Faruk, when confirmed, Sunday 12 February 2023.

With the increase in demand, he continued, of course the price per unit of used cars will also begin to gradually increase again.

"For example, during the pandemic, the price of used cars per unit, which was IDR 100 million, went down to IDR 70 million on the market. Now it's back to normal prices before the pandemic," said Vian.

He also admitted that the sales for each showroom and dealer varied, depending on the size of their place of business.

"If a large showroom or dealer has 20 car units in stock, maybe they can sell 17 units per month," he explained.

The brands that people are interested in are still around Toyota, Daihatsu, Honda and Mitsubishi.

He also believes that in 2023 it is predicted to increase compared to 2022. Even though at the beginning of January there was news that Indonesia would be in a recession which had an effect, it only had a slight impact.

However, after the president reiterated that Indonesia had no problems. Then the statement also started normally.

"This means that we are optimistic that in the future this will be good. What's more, this is approaching Eid al-Fitr, so the community is also more intense. So it looks like this will increase again compared to previous years," he explained.

The used car market trend is starting to return to normal, he admits that this is due to none other than the economic level of the people in Lampung which has returned to normal after the pandemic.

"The people of Lampung themselves are dominant in gardening, so if the plantation is good then we will also feel that. Because cars are no longer like a luxury item but a necessity for a family," he concluded.

Meanwhile, Itera Transportation Observer, Ir. Muhammad Abi Berkah Nadi assessed that the increase in sales of new or even used vehicles must also be balanced with traffic conditions in Lampung Province.

Because it is clear, the government must think if with an increase in sales of transportation vehicles what more private vehicles will increase the volume of traffic which causes congestion, especially in the city. The priority should be to improve mass public transportation facilities and infrastructure.

"Because this will have an impact in the future, it will affect the points of the road that do have high traffic jams, if the peak hours of the vehicles pile up in the morning and evening when going to work, school and other activities and vice versa when going home there will be traffic jams," said Muhammad Abi.

Therefore, both the Provincial Government and the local government must have started to think about the long-term impact associated with the sale of these new or used vehicles.

"I think that sometimes after the end of this pandemic the economy has started to recover some, and it has to be planned for urban spatial planning against the accumulation of private vehicles," he concluded. (*)

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Editor Didik Tri Putra Jaya